Monday, June 22, 2009

Procrastinate Procrastination!

Last week I wrote about ‘going until’ you reach your desired outcome but what do you do when procrastination rears it’s nasty little head? Procrastination is a funky obstacle to experiencing the things we want to do, be, have, or create and it's something most of us have faced at one time or another.

Procrastination comes in many forms i.e., getting busy doing something else, focusing on all of the reasons not to do the thing that takes you closer to your outcome, going to sleep, eating, calling someone on the phone, focusing on how hard it is, or focusing on all of the details until you are totally discouraged – wait a minute maybe those are just my ways to procrastinate and this about YOU!

Think about it - what are your preferred methods of procrastinating? Almost all of them are simply distractions, ways to stay in the comfort zone and out of the possibility zone. Sometimes we distract ourselves with actions i.e. doing something else; sometimes we distract ourselves with thinking and creating mind loops but all distractions do one thing - they take us away from what we truly desire.

How do you overcome procrastination? Are you ready for the magic formula? Here it is: Procrastinate Procrastination – procrastinate the distraction and just go ahead and do whatever you want or need to do NOW.

For example, you need to write that report, call that person, get up off your butt and exercise and you start thinking… Well, I’ll do it later but now I really need/want to take a nap or watch this tv program, wash the car - you get the idea. Just say nope – I’ll nap AFTER I…, I’ll DVR the program and watch it AFTER I…, I’ll wash the car AFTER I…, I'll think of all the reasons why I can't do it AFTER I...

Procrastinate the distraction and take at least one step toward your original goal FIRST!

Procrastinating procrastination is a fun game! Give it a try for one week and let me know what happens.

To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing. ~Eva Young

Your coach, Debra

Click Here to check out my fun and irreverent eBook entitled, What the #%@! Am I Doing? How to GET OFF YOUR ASS and Change Your Life! It's a great read for you or to share when a kick-in-the-pants is needed.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Go Until!

We can do anything we want as long as we stick to it long enough. ~Helen Keller

We know it's true. You’ve probably not only heard some version of this all of your life but you've most likely given the 'keep going' advice to someone else. But do you truly live it? Do you keep your eyes focused on your desired outcome and consistently move in that direction no matter what obstacles (external or internal) show up in your path? Even though sometimes it's not always an easy one to implement, it’s definitely a simple formula.

If you have been trying to accomplish something for a period of time and have not yet accomplished it, know this…beating yourself up, spending more than a few minutes in frustration, being angry, asking ‘why me’, reading about or listening to anything that says it can’t be done (unless that inspires you to prove them wrong), focusing on the barriers instead of looking for solutions – well you get the idea. These are strategies that DO NOT WORK!

Staying focused on the desired outcome, taking consistent action in that direction, adjusting your approach when needed and going until - that's a strategy that WORKS!

Many years ago at one of Tony Robbins’ seminars we had a “You Have No Problems Day”. Tony would bring in stellar examples of people who had overcome obstacles most of us can’t possibly imagine. While I’m not a big proponent of comparing ourselves and our lives to those of other people, I am huge supporter of looking to others for inspiration.

Recently a client of mine suggested I check out Nick Vujici aka Nick No Limbs. If ever there were a stellar example of someone who always finds a way, it’s this man.

Try this. Think of something you are feeling discourage about or frustrated about because you haven’t yet been able to accomplish it - maybe you've started and stopped more than once. With this thing in mind, go watch this 2:40 video on YouTube.

After watching the video, think about your outcome again. Now just brush off whatever hasn’t worked so far, adjust your approach and go at it again - and why not just go again with a smile!

Your coach, Debra

Click Here to check out my fun and irreverent eBook entitled, What the #%@! Am I Doing? How to GET OFF YOUR ASS and Change Your Life! It's a great read for you or to share when a kick-in-the-pants is needed.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Past Has Passed!

There are two critical and liberating realizations to incorporate into your very being...

  1. The Past Has Passed
  2. The Past Does Not Dictate The Future

What is the past?  Simple, anything that is not happening in this very moment – period that’s it! 

The future holds within it total possibility.  So many people narrow the field of infinite possibility by referring to the past to decide what’s possible in the future.  The past does not dictate the future unless you let it.  And fortunately for humankind many, many people have focused on the infinite field of possibility and only used the past to learn from and to inspire them.

  • The Beatles were turned down by Columbia, Pye, Philips, Oriole, among others.  Their most promising audition with Decca resulted in the producer sending them on their way after saying, “Guitar groups are on their way out.” The Beatles persevered and became unquestionably the best and most important band in rock history.
  • Michael Jordon, after only one year of joining the basketball team as a tenth grader, was cut.  He persevered and is quoted as saying, “I think that not making the Varsity team drove me to really work at my game, and also taught me that if you set goals, and work hard to achieve them-the hard work can pay off.”
  • J.K. Rowling struggled through a collapsed marriage and occasionally had to skip meals to make sure she had enough money to feed her four-month-old baby.  She persevered and went from living on welfare to multi-millionaire status within five years.  With 400 million copies of her books, she has become the highest earning novelist in history.

Unfortunately, it’s more common to hear things like…

"Well, my last two businesses failed so I guess I'll never have a successful business."


"I've never been able to make a relationship work so I think I’m just doomed."


“No matter what I’ve tried, I just can’t lose weight.  What’s the point?”

Whether or not the past equals the future in your life is up to you!  If you falter in action or thought, simply remember that the ‘slip’ is now the PAST.

You can decide now that your future is infinite possibility.  Decide now to keep your eyes focused forward on what you truly desire and your feet firmly taking one step at a time toward that future – and please remember to enjoy each and every moment along the way!

Your coach, Debra

“You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make. Forget your past. Who are you now? Who have you decided you really are now? Don't think about who you have been. Who are you now? Who have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully.”  ~Anthony Robbins
Click Here to check out my fun and irreverent eBook entitled, What the #%@! Am I Doing?How to GET OFF YOUR ASS and Change Your Life! It's a great read for you or to share when a kick-in-the-pants is needed. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Become Too Big for Your Place

“The man certain to advance is the one who is too big for his place, and who has a clear concept of what he wants to be; who knows that he can become what he wants to be and who is determined to BE what he wants to be.”  ~Wallace D. Wattles, from The Science of Getting Rich written in 1910

The concept of becoming too big for your place is intriguing and exciting to me!  So many people want to move to the next level in their work, health, relationships, finances, etc. when they haven’t yet mastered their current level.  The idea is to keep a keen eye on where you want to go while fully living, experiencing, and maximizing your current situation.  When you do that, there will be an organic advancement to the next level; you’ll literally spill over into the next level toward your desired outcome. 

You’ll feel it; others will recognize it; you’ll simply be too big for your current place.  When I first read this I was reminded of a man I saw speak at one of Tony Robbins’ seminars close to twenty years ago.  He came to this country as a political refugee without one word of English, no money, and no friends.  However, he had a dream to own his own restaurant.

So he got a job in a restaurant as a janitor.  And he filled that space to overflowing!  He took such pride in his work, not to impress, but to give every ounce of himself to the task at hand.  One day the owner’s wife went into the women’s restroom and stood in awe at how it sparkled.  She searched out the man who was responsible and then highly encouraged her husband to give him a promotion.  After just a year or two the couple decided to retire and guess who their successor was?  Of course, the man who filled each new place he was in to the point of overflowing until he reached his destination.

Someone doing a good job is not filling his or her space and may find themselves frustrated at not moving forward as quickly as they want.  If you want to speed up, fill your current space to overflowing and forward motion will be inevitable.

“Hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in the better environment, but act upon your present environment with all your heart, and with all your strength, and with all your mind.”  ~Wallace D. Wattles, from The Science of Getting Rich

Click Here to check out my fun and irreverent eBook entitled, What the #%@! Am I Doing?How to GET OFF YOUR ASS and Change Your Life! It's a great read for you or to share when a kick-in-the-pants is needed.