Monday, June 15, 2009

Go Until!

We can do anything we want as long as we stick to it long enough. ~Helen Keller

We know it's true. You’ve probably not only heard some version of this all of your life but you've most likely given the 'keep going' advice to someone else. But do you truly live it? Do you keep your eyes focused on your desired outcome and consistently move in that direction no matter what obstacles (external or internal) show up in your path? Even though sometimes it's not always an easy one to implement, it’s definitely a simple formula.

If you have been trying to accomplish something for a period of time and have not yet accomplished it, know this…beating yourself up, spending more than a few minutes in frustration, being angry, asking ‘why me’, reading about or listening to anything that says it can’t be done (unless that inspires you to prove them wrong), focusing on the barriers instead of looking for solutions – well you get the idea. These are strategies that DO NOT WORK!

Staying focused on the desired outcome, taking consistent action in that direction, adjusting your approach when needed and going until - that's a strategy that WORKS!

Many years ago at one of Tony Robbins’ seminars we had a “You Have No Problems Day”. Tony would bring in stellar examples of people who had overcome obstacles most of us can’t possibly imagine. While I’m not a big proponent of comparing ourselves and our lives to those of other people, I am huge supporter of looking to others for inspiration.

Recently a client of mine suggested I check out Nick Vujici aka Nick No Limbs. If ever there were a stellar example of someone who always finds a way, it’s this man.

Try this. Think of something you are feeling discourage about or frustrated about because you haven’t yet been able to accomplish it - maybe you've started and stopped more than once. With this thing in mind, go watch this 2:40 video on YouTube.

After watching the video, think about your outcome again. Now just brush off whatever hasn’t worked so far, adjust your approach and go at it again - and why not just go again with a smile!

Your coach, Debra

Click Here to check out my fun and irreverent eBook entitled, What the #%@! Am I Doing? How to GET OFF YOUR ASS and Change Your Life! It's a great read for you or to share when a kick-in-the-pants is needed.


At June 15, 2009 at 8:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have seen Nick's video. It's very inspirational. Thank you for your blog!

-Bill Murray


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