Monday, June 1, 2009

Become Too Big for Your Place

“The man certain to advance is the one who is too big for his place, and who has a clear concept of what he wants to be; who knows that he can become what he wants to be and who is determined to BE what he wants to be.”  ~Wallace D. Wattles, from The Science of Getting Rich written in 1910

The concept of becoming too big for your place is intriguing and exciting to me!  So many people want to move to the next level in their work, health, relationships, finances, etc. when they haven’t yet mastered their current level.  The idea is to keep a keen eye on where you want to go while fully living, experiencing, and maximizing your current situation.  When you do that, there will be an organic advancement to the next level; you’ll literally spill over into the next level toward your desired outcome. 

You’ll feel it; others will recognize it; you’ll simply be too big for your current place.  When I first read this I was reminded of a man I saw speak at one of Tony Robbins’ seminars close to twenty years ago.  He came to this country as a political refugee without one word of English, no money, and no friends.  However, he had a dream to own his own restaurant.

So he got a job in a restaurant as a janitor.  And he filled that space to overflowing!  He took such pride in his work, not to impress, but to give every ounce of himself to the task at hand.  One day the owner’s wife went into the women’s restroom and stood in awe at how it sparkled.  She searched out the man who was responsible and then highly encouraged her husband to give him a promotion.  After just a year or two the couple decided to retire and guess who their successor was?  Of course, the man who filled each new place he was in to the point of overflowing until he reached his destination.

Someone doing a good job is not filling his or her space and may find themselves frustrated at not moving forward as quickly as they want.  If you want to speed up, fill your current space to overflowing and forward motion will be inevitable.

“Hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in the better environment, but act upon your present environment with all your heart, and with all your strength, and with all your mind.”  ~Wallace D. Wattles, from The Science of Getting Rich

Click Here to check out my fun and irreverent eBook entitled, What the #%@! Am I Doing?How to GET OFF YOUR ASS and Change Your Life! It's a great read for you or to share when a kick-in-the-pants is needed. 



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