Friday, August 21, 2009


Reframing has it's origins (at least this is where I first learned of it) in Neuro-Linguistic Programing. Basically it's used to add another perspective or meaning to a situation or context - you see it in another 'frame'.

The frame you've put around something limits your view and restricts your possibilities. Through "reframing" you can let the limiting belief/s go, you can create new perceptions and interpretations.

According to Anthony Robbins: "If we perceive something as a liability, that's the message we deliver to our brain. Then the brain produces states that make it a reality. If we change our frame of reference by looking at the same situation from a different point of view, we can change the way we respond in life. We can change our representation or perception about anything and in a moment change our states and behaviors."

There are plenty of opportunities for reframing experiences which will then allows you to feel differently which will lead to new thought and action i.e., getting new results.

As a coach, this is one of my most used skills - helping people to gain new perspectives!

Your coach, Debra


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