Procrastinate Procrastination!
Last week I wrote about ‘going until’ you reach your desired outcome but what do you do when procrastination rears it’s nasty little head? Procrastination is a funky obstacle to experiencing the things we want to do, be, have, or create and it's something most of us have faced at one time or another.
Procrastination comes in many forms i.e., getting busy doing something else, focusing on all of the reasons not to do the thing that takes you closer to your outcome, going to sleep, eating, calling someone on the phone, focusing on how hard it is, or focusing on all of the details until you are totally discouraged – wait a minute maybe those are just my ways to procrastinate and this about YOU!
Think about it - what are your preferred methods of procrastinating? Almost all of them are simply distractions, ways to stay in the comfort zone and out of the possibility zone. Sometimes we distract ourselves with actions i.e. doing something else; sometimes we distract ourselves with thinking and creating mind loops but all distractions do one thing - they take us away from what we truly desire.
To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing. ~Eva Young